Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of CAD who were prescribed a lipid-lowering therapy

Denominator (Universe) (Columns A and B)

  • Patients 18 years of age and older with an active diagnosis of CAD at any point during the year or diagnosed as having had a myocardial infarction (MI) or had cardiac surgery5 in the past, with a medical visit during the measurement period and at least two medical visits ever

Note: For 2018 program year, include patients who were born on or before December 31, 1999

Numerator (Column C)

  • Patients age 18 and older who received a prescription for or were provided or were taking lipid-lowering medications during the measurement period


  • Patients whose last low-density lipoprotein (LDL) lab test during the measurement year was less than 130 mg/dL
  • Patients with an allergy to, a history of adverse outcomes from, or intolerance to LDL-lowering medications