There are two measures in this guideline:

Patients Receiving Substance Use Disorder(SUD) Services

2a. The total number of unduplicated patients receiving SUD services. 


All patients with an encounter in the selected date range. The default is the last 18 months. You can apply one of the Program Dates to restrict which encounters and patients are included in the denominator.


Patients who had an encounter with an SUD services in the selected date range.

Number of Visits w/Patients Receiving Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Services

2b. Enter the total number of visits for patients receiving SUD services. The default is the last 18 months. You can apply one of the Program Dates to restrict which encounters are included in the denominator.


All encounters in the selected date range. The default is the last 18 months. You can apply one of the Program Dates to restrict which encounters are included in the denominator.


Encounter with an SUD services in the selected date range.