
1)  ACO Registry and Audit

2)  Expanded Organizational Permissions

3)  INQ Formatted Export

ACO Registry and Audit

Audience: Anyone participating in an ACO, even if they are not currently a Clinigence customer.

ACO's with integrated and non-integrated EMRs can now use the Clinigence Registry and Audit tool to easily verify or input their annual CMS sample beneficiary data.  Clinigence exports this data to the appropriate GPRO format for the ACO submission.  If you or someone you know is interested in using this tool for the upcoming collection period please send your inquiry to [email protected].

Expanded Organizational Permissions

Audience: Anyone implemented within Clinigence as a multi-practice organization.  This could be an ACO or a multi-site practice for whom each site is implemented as a separate practice.


Organizations can now allow practice administrators to view the reports for other practices in the organization.  These users cannot see the patient lists or provide administrative functions in the other practices.  Organization administrators can manage this permission through the Account Management screen below.  The default value for this permission is "Off".

INQ Formatted Exports

Audience: Clinigence customers installed with a McKesson EMR.  This includes all McKesson EMR packages which bundle Practice Partner® under other marketing labels such as Lytech® or Medisoft®.

Earlier this year we added an export feature which allows all users to export their patient lists to a CSV (comma separated value) formatted file.  With this release a McKesson user can export to an INQ formatted file.  The user can then import this INQ file into the McKesson registry, automatically creating an intervention list.  If you are not a McKesson user but your EMR has a similar import feature please send an email to [email protected] and we will work with you to determine if this can be done for you.