Clinigence has added a Meaningful Use attestation dashboard in version 3.5.1.  Prior to this release users would navigate to individual measures to which they would attest.  With the new dashboard users can see all of their measure numbers on one screen.  This dashboard can be used for both Stage 1 and Stage 2 Meaningful Use attestation.

Generating the Report

  1. Log in to the Clinigence Dashboard at (you may have a different URL, if your practice is part of an organization that has a customized site).
  2. Select the Reports tab, a list of options appears. Not every practice will see all the report options. Only those reports for your subscribed programs will appear.
  3. Select Meaningful Use & PQRS Attestation Report. The Attestation Report screen appears. 
  4. Select your Meaningful Use program from the Program list.
  5. Select the desired 90-day reporting period from the Date drop-down list. There are options for:
    • 2014 Q1 MU Reporting, 90-days ending March 31, 2014
    • 2014 Q2 MU Reporting, 90-days ending June 30, 2014
    • 2014 Q3 MU Reporting, 90-days ending September 30, 2014
    • 2014 Q4 MU Reporting, 90-days ending December 31, 2014
    • 2014 Measurement Period MU Reporting (includes Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2014)
  1. If you are an Organizational Admin, select the desired practice. If you are logged in as a Practice Admin, the Practice field does not appear, the practice is already selected.
  2. If you want to report for a specific provider, select that provider’s name from the Provider drop-down list. If you want to report for the entire practice, leave the Provider field as All.
  3. Select the Generate Report button. The reporting grid is populated for the measures assigned to the provider(s) selected. (Do not select the eReporting button, that option is for a different program and will display an error message.)

Columns on the Clinigence Meaningful Use Attestation Report

For each guideline the report grid shows the following numbers. These are the numbers the practice/provider will use when completing the CMS Attestation for Meaningful Use (Stage 1 or Stage 2).

  • Initial Population – The number of patients (or encounters) that meet the Initial Population criteria. This is often the same as the Denominator.
  • Denominator - The number of patients (or encounters) that meet the Denominator criteria. This number includes any patients in the Exclusion and Exceptions classes.*
  • Exclusions - The number of patients (or encounter) that meet the Exclusion criteria, if applicable to the measure. These patients are subtracted from the Denominator before calculating the Rate.
  • Numerator -  Then number of patients (or encounters) that meet the Numerator criteria. 
  • Exceptions - The number of patients (or encounters) that meet the Exception criteria AND do not meet the Numerator criteria, if applicable to the measure. These patients are subtracted from the Denominator before calculating the Rate.
  • Rate - The rate is calculating as follows: Numerator / (Denominator - Exclusions - Exceptions)

Attesting Using the CMS Registration and Attestation System

The “Stage 2 Attestation User Guide for Eligible Professionals,” April 2014 has the following instructions for Step 33 – Clinical quality measures (CQM) Questionnaire (1 of 9):

“(EP's) will be prompted to enter Numerator(s), Denominator(s), Performance Rates, and Exclusion(s), if applicable, for selected Clinical Quality Measures.”
(Depending on the measure, there is a field for recording Exceptions as well.)

Use the columns on the Clinigence Attestation Report to complete Step 33 – Clinical quality measures (CQM) Questionnaire for each of the 9 measures assigned to the practice or provider.

The columns on the Clinigence Attestation report are the same as the CMS Attestation screens. So enter the Denominator number in the Denominator field, the Numerator number in the Numerator field, etc. Be sure that you distinguish between Exclusions and Exceptions, if both fields are present for a single measure.

NOTEWhen attesting, the user is asked for the EMR Cert #.  If using a 2011 certified EHR (Stage 1) then they need to enter the 2011 certification number and they will be prompted for the appropriate information including the CQMs.  

Comparing Eligible Population and Denominator

If you compare the measure detail screen for a specific measure with the numbers generated for the Meaningful Use Attestation report, you will notice that the Eligible Population is not the same as the Denominator when there are Exclusions and/or Exceptions. This is because the Measure Details screen displays the Eligible Population with the Exclusions and Exceptions already subtracted while the Denominator includes those patients/encounter and subtracts them when the Rate is calculated. While this may be somewhat confusing, we wanted to ensure that the numbers shown on the Attestation Report would match exactly what CMS was expecting for each field. For Attestation, they defined the Denominator as including the Exceptions and Exclusions.

NOTE: Be sure and select the same date for the As of: date range that you selected when generating the Attestation report.

Notice that the Rate is the same for both reports, as are the Numerator (Meets Target Criteria) and the Exclusions.

For more information on the Measure Details screen and the numbers it displays, see Release Notes for Clinigence 3.5.0.