The attached 14 minute video demonstrates the more complex updates in this release.
The Clinigence analytics engine has been upgraded to version 12 resulting in the following fixes and improvements.
- Claims Pivot Report (front page): Upon entering the report and displaying the filters you will no longer see duplicate entries for each filter.
- Claims Pivot Report (drill through): Several of the control buttons previously at the top of the drill through page have been reorganized.
- The Aggregate and Group controls have been moved to the column header drop down. Access them by clicking on the column header name and selected the desired function.
- The Layout, Columns, Aggregate, and Paging controls are now exposed by clicking the Gear control in the upper left of the screen.
Claims Pivot Report (drill through): Previously when doing an export to CSV or other format the order of the columns was unpredictable. Now the columns always export in the same order.
Claims Pivot Report (drill through): When creating a cross tab the maximum number of rows has been increased from 5,000 to 10,000.
The following enhancements have been implemented in the reports.
ER Frequency (all screens): All screens now have an Export to Excel button.
- Utility Report by TIN (all screens): All screens now have an Export to Excel button.
- Claims Pivot Report (front page): Added claim beneficiary | deceased dimension.
This dimension will allow you to look are relative costs across your deceased and living populations, broken down by whatever other dimensions you have defined. For example, you can identify which TINs have the highest average cost for deceased patients over time. If a particular TIN is consistently higher, you can identify the HCPCS values and compare them to others TIN/HCPCS combinations in the organization.The dimension will display two row or column labels, True and False. True indicates that those patients are deceased. False indicates that the patients are living.Note that there are two possible sources for the deceased indicator, the Date of Death provided in the CCLF and the Deceased flag in the attribution lists. In theory these should stay relatively consistent but we used the CCLF Date of Death since the CCLF is a monthly feed and thus more timely information.
- Claims Pivot Reports (drill through): The Max rows for the drill through export has been increased from 10,000 to 1,000,000.
- Claims Pivot Reports (Claims Count drill through): Added AssignedTINTIN to the claims count drill through.
Users often create complex columns and cross tabs after drilling through on a claim count. In order to look at these views for a specific TIN a user would have to execute the same steps for each TIN. The addition of this new column allows the user to drill through for All TINs one time, then create the views and group the data by TIN.
- Claims Pivot Reports (Claims Count drill through): Added date of death (ClaimBeneficiaryDateOfDeath) to the claims count drill through.
- Claims Pivot Reports (HCPCS Count drill through): Add the claim date (Claim.Claimdate) to the HCPCS Count (CPT) drill through.