Clinigence Health clients can export a single patient record via the patient summary screen.  To export large sets of patients contact the Clinigence Health support site at [email protected] and Clinigence Health will assist you with the request.

To export a single patient record, log into the Clinigence Health web application, click on the Patients tab, and navigate to the patient summary screen.  On the screen click on the "Export Patient" button as shown in the image below.

The patient record is exported in the "Version 5" XML format, one patient per file.  Attached to this page you will find a Zip file which contains 

  • notes on how to interpret the Version 5 files.
  • the Version 5 schema.
  • a sample patient file in Version 5 format.

Note that the data included in the export is limited to the data received by Clinigence Health from the data source(s) and is mapped to the Clinigence Health clinical ontology.